Building Respect
We all deserve a workplace where we are respected and supported; where positive behaviours are encouraged, modelled and appreciated; where inappropriate behaviours including bullying are addressed, not tolerated; and where staff are supported to safely challenge negative behaviour.
A positive culture, free of bullying
Together with colleagues from across the organisation we have co-created our approach to creating a positive, values-led culture and to resolving issues of bullying or inappropriate behaviour. Our approach is based on reflection, empathy, dialogue, de-escalation, and the principles of natural justice.
You may want to begin with the Quick Start guides - there's a tailored guide for you, whether you are experiencing inappropriate behaviour, witnessing it, perhaps had an allegation made against you, or are a manager supporting a member of your team.
Our Approach, Our Options will walk you through all of the steps and options open to you. There's a handy flowchart to help you choose your best next step.
Each step is supported by a detailed guide:
Step 1. Our aim is to create a positive culture where there is no room for bullying or inappropriate behaviour. This step includes 7 short discussions for your team to have - to reflect on the impact of our behaviour, and agree how your team wants to behave.
Step 2 is to reflect on the situation before reacting, so you can choose the best course of action. There's a behaviour diary for you to keep track of what happened and its impact.
Step 3 means giving feedback. If they don't know they've done something that didn't work for you, they can't change their behaviour. Our BUILD approach is the safest way to give feedback - you may want to do that yourself, or ask a trusted colleague or manager to talk to them on your behalf.
Step 4 - supported resolution. If things don't change after giving feedback there are a range of options to facilitate a resolution that works for everyone.
Step 5 - formal process. Our aim is to resolve issues with bullying or inappropriate behaviour informally wherever possible. The Ethical Behaviour Policy is for serious issues or for when informal approaches haven’t worked.
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