Correspondence (Subject)
Action for Reporting Correspondence: Destroy 2 years after date of last action.
GDA Reference: 2.7.1.
Action for Committee Correspondence: Destroy when no longer administratively required.
GDA Reference: 5.2.2. This applies to minor sub committees, ad hoc committee and and/or working parties.
Action for Elections Correspondence: Destroy 3 months after declaration of result.
GDA Reference: 5.5.1.
Action for Research Funding Correspondence: Destroy 7 years after date of last action.
GDA Reference: 13.4.1.
Action for Correspondence related to University-Managed Accommodation: Destroy 7 years after date of last action.
GDA Reference: 15.1.2.
Action for Working Party Correspondence (both Governance and Operational level): Archive 10 years after date of last action.
GDA Reference: 5.2.1.